About Us
We believe that everyone has a part to play in church life, each of us with our unique gifts and skills. We want to share the good news of Jesus to all and support each other as we do so.

We are together a group of people who want to serve others and live as Jesus did. People of all ages play an active role within the church, and we play a very active role within the life of Northfield.


Mission Statement
“We believe that our Christian mission is the knitting together of evangelism and social action through witness and service. This mission flows out of the life of our fellowship, enriched by our worship, into the community.”

Our Values
We believe that how we approach life shows what our heart is. We have a heart for prayer, a love and concern for those in Northfield, and a passion for sharing Christ.

We know God is an incredible God who loves to get to know us more. We believe in the power of prayer, and have seen God move powerfully within the life of the church. We meet every Wednesday evening to pray together on Zoom and look forward to more opportunities to gather in the building for prayer also.

This is at the heart of who we are. We spend time with each other over coffee or food regularly. And we are a welcoming people: you’ll notice it during the week and on a Sunday. We know that we are all broken people in need of God’s grace and love. No one is perfect and we are called to be patient and caring with each other. Whatever your background, you are welcome at Northfield Baptist.